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Should you be a health nut? Fitness in Puyallup, WA

All I see is health nuts on social media

But the truth is I want to be one too. It’s real easy to become a couch potato. Let’s be real, I can eat a bag of chips in one sitting but I know my body won’t feel good afterwards. Juggling a lot of things in life, home, work and business can be tiring. I have to say it’s taking a toll.

For those who don’t know me well, I also work graveyard hours. Big Boo.

I joined a fitness group because I cannot for the life of me dedicate time, besides having everything else that’s going on in my life. I made the leap of changing things for ME. I was welcomed with more mom’s like me who feel that “Everyone deserves a better you” vibe. I feel more alive, refreshed and my mind is blocked from everything else that runs non stop.

I had the opportunity to photograph Fit4Mom of Puyallup team and update their headshots. These mamas are the reason I go, get support and have a good laugh while working out. As a mom, I deal with everyone wanting me in every direction. By working out it has centered my mind, body and of course get that after workout glow.

Whatever a workout is to you, walking, making healthy eating choices or joining a fitness group.

Do what makes you feel good about yourself.

Work it mama! Check out FIT4MOM, first class is always free and strollers are welcome! Here’s a video from their Spring Extravaganza back in May.

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