Before I became a mom, I was in my own world. I got to do whatever I wanted with no care or worries but for myself and my agenda.
Of course it changed after I had my baby. My life revolved around her. Making sure she was fed, changed and happy. I cared about her development and how I can improve her skills like cheering her on to make the first steps, or getting over the fear of sitting on grass or choosing the right sippy cup so she can move on from the bottle.
There’s so much I’ve learned becoming a mom that made me appreciate my mom even more.
I thought it would be fun to make my version of reasons why I love my mom, some you may relate. This can be a good idea to make your own list to gift your mom this Mother’s Day. Enjoy!

Here are my 50 reasons why I’m thankful for my mom.
Thank you for:
Being a hard worker
Being funny when you don’t even realize what your doing is funny
Being strong minded
Telling me to not give a damn what people say
Helping me plant my flowers
Telling me to wash my hands and take care of my things
Teaching me how to write cursive
Being selfless and caring for others
Taking care of me when I was sick
Experiencing my Filipino culture
Telling me to take my medicine
Taking me to the doctor
Letting me blast music in the car with you
Making home cooked meals
Showing me how to cut garlic
Not getting mad after I snap at you and hang up on the phone
Painting my nails
Trusting me to drive my stick shift car
Making my own photo album
Helping me when I was pregnant
Sharing your things even if it was yours
Asking questions all day even if you repeated them
Helping me raise my daughter
Pushing me to speak up when something is wrong
Traveling to new places
Taking me to the mall and window shopping
Letting me play until it was dark outside
For buying me gel pens early for Christmas, even though you have already gift wrapped a set at home.
Letting your house be my free storage space, even though I don’t live there anymore
Being the best role model
Teaching me the most important life lessons
Supporting my addiction to coffee
Treating me to the dermatologist
Never giving up on me
Letting me join school sports
Helping with my homework
Your encouragement
Letting me raid your closet
Cheering me from the sidelines
Cleaning up after me
Helping me make certain decisions but also letting me pave my own path
Making me cold lunch for school
Doing my laundry and putting it away
Forgiving me if I’ve hurt your feelings
Putting up with me
Providing me everything I need
New and old memories
Saying I love you when we hang up
Loving me unconditionally
All the sacrifices you made
All the things you do
Did this list make you laugh a bit? If you're a mama, I wish you a Happy Mothers Day! And if you’re looking for ideas to bring your mom anywhere, check this blog post here.